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What’s New: A Planning Guide for Accessible Conferences

A Planning Guide for Accessible Conferences is featured on the Live Work Well Research Centre of the University of Guelph. This resource is designed to ensure that all conference participants, regardless of their abilities, have a positive experience.  The topics addressed in this guide include:

  • Selecting a Venue: Building entrance, meeting rooms, washrooms, dining facilities, hallways, elevators and setting up accessible meeting rooms

  • Hotels, lodging and transportation

  • Identify Needs Family: Involving persons with disabilities in planning, registration and promotional material and budgeting

  • Accessible Conference website

  • Training staff and volunteers and working with outside professionals

  • Conference agenda, information, and signs

  • Emergency Planning

  • Conference Evaluation

A practical checklist is included in the guide. 

To view the Planning Guide for Accessible Conferences, click here

To learn more about Live Work Well, click here.