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What’s New: Communication Access to Justice

Communication Access to Justice (CAJust), is a new national, non-profit organization that has been jointly established with Communication Disabilities Access Canada (CDAC). The mandate of CAJust is to advance communication access to police, legal and justice services for victims, witnesses and accused person who have disabilities that affect speech, language, and communication. To achieve their mission CAJust undertakes the following:

  • Provides training, resources, and guidelines for Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) to work as communication intermediaries when supporting victims, witnesses and accused persons communicating in police, legal and justice settings.

  • Maintains and expands the national database of trained communication intermediaries that can be used to source communication intermediary services.

  • Increases awareness of communication intermediary services for individuals who have communication disabilities, family members disability services.

  • Supports police, legal, and justice professionals in recognizing people who have communication disabilities, and how and when to engage communication intermediary services.

  • Works with the justice system, accessibility legislators and policy makers to embed communication intermediary services as an essential accommodation service for victims, witnesses and accused person who have communication disabilities.

To learn more about CAJust, click here