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What’s New: Disability Inclusion and the Pandemic

Fifteen percent of the world’s population, or one billion people have some form of disability. The World Bank in their article titled Disability Inclusion states, “it is important to note how persons with disabilities are uniquely impacted by the pandemic, including health, education and transportation considerations.” The World Bank outlines a number of considerations for pandemic policy makers including: 

  • Ensuring that information about COVID-19 is available in accessible formats such as print, sign language interpretation, captions, and braille.

  • Children with disabilities have access to services, resources, activities, and programs to ensure an equitable and safe learning experience.

  • Public transportation systems, including accessible transportation when impacted by pandemic restrictions and staff shortages can impact the ability of people with disabilities to travel for essential items or critical medical appointments.

  • Many people with disabilities experience poverty which decreases their ability to access many products, services and opportunities related to promoting their wellness and safety in a pandemic world.

  • To effectively promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in communities, then a dialogue of the considerations in a pandemic would be long overdue.

To view the article by the World Bank, click here.