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What’s New: Effective Communications and Inclusive Organizational Cultures

Championing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in places where we work is a never-ending journey. Leading organizations understand that authentically creating inclusive organizational cultures requires effective communications at all levels.

Victoria Marin in the article titled Communication: The Non-negotiable Skill for Supporting DEI in the Workplace featured on Training Industry states that “to foster a truly inclusive workplace, organizations must prioritize and nurture effective communication”. Marin outlines several successful communication skills that are essential to creatin and inclusive organizational culture including:

  • Leaders set the tone and communicate the “why” behind diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility is imperative for their organization. 

  • Inclusive dialogue is promoted that challenges unconscious biases.

  • Language is adopted that fosters inclusivity based clear standards or best practices. 

  • Meetings and forums are viewed as safe spaces to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences to promote better understanding about diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.

  • Constructive and respectful feedback is welcome to continuously improve. 

The author concludes the article by stating that “By leveraging communication skills and training on DEI, companies can increase their problem-solving capacity, improve decision-making and ultimately gain a competitive advantage”.

To read this article in its entirety, click here