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What’s New: Inclusive Neighbourhoods Start with All of Us

Inclusive and welcoming neighbourhoods do not just happen; they are created by all of us. Thirty years ago, when I was a young child, I moved into the neighbourhood where I currently live. In those days, not everyone in my neighbourhood was as inclusive as they could have been to our family. Although many neighbours went out of there way to be welcoming, I never forgot how I felt when I realized others thought I did not belong. 

Inclusive communities are places where all neighbours are respected, included, and feel a sense of belonging.” This declaration is the opening statement in the Supporting and Encouraging an Inclusive Community Guide developed by the City of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. This resource is designed to help neighbours and groups to learn and explore ways to make their neighbourhood more inclusive and includes:

  • Description of an inclusive community

  • Benefits of inclusive communities

  • Strategies for neighbours to inspire an inclusive community

The guide is an easy read and available in alternative accessible formats upon request.

To view this guide, click here