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What’s New: Inclusive Packaging Design Is Like A Box of Chocolates!

Consumer trends and research findings recognize that people with disabilities are the world’s largest minority group and no longer a niche market. Exemplary corporate and business leaders have embraced the value of customers with a disability to their bottom line and are designing products and packaging with this in mind. 

The blog titled Canadian Company Builds a Better Box of Chocolates Using Braille by James Dunn posted on CBC News is an informative article on inclusive packaging design. Dunne puts a spotlight on several corporations and businesses who are leading the way in promoting accessible and inclusive product and packaging design. Some of these initiatives include:

  • Braille boxes of chocolates produced by Purdy’s Chocolatier

  • Easy to open lid on Oil of Olay face cream by Procter & Gamble

  • Accessible packaging of the Xbox Adaptive Controller by Microsoft

This article also addresses the efforts of design schools to champion inclusivity and accessibility. Donna Saccutelli, a graphic design professor helped Seneca College in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to launch the Inclusive Design for Business program. Saccutelli states that “where the world is today, we need to be doing that.”

This informative article is a must read for corporate and business leaders and design professionals, click here