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What’s New: Inclusive Schools Distance Learning Resources

The Inclusive Schools Network (ISN) is a web-based education resource for professionals, families, schools, and organizations that promotes inclusive educational practices. The mission of ISN is “to encourage, embolden and empower people to design and implement effective inclusive schools, by sharing insights and best practices and by providing opportunities for connection.” The ISN web site features a range of practical and helpful resources inclusive schools distance learning that include:

  • Collaborative Teaching: Distance Learning Options

  • Differentiated Instruction: Distance Learning Options

  • Differentiated Assessment: Distance Learning Options

  • Instructional Accommodations: Distance Learning Options

  • Paraeducators: Distance Learning Options

  • 50 Technology Rich Ways to Assess Students for Free

  • 20 Tips for an Effective Virtual IEP Meeting

  • Accessibility Ideas for Distance Learning

To review these resources, click here.