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What’s New: Leaders Make Inclusive Education Happen

Every year with the start of school I am filled with gratitude that my education was an inclusive experience. With each step of my journey, I worked with incredible educational leaders whose passion for inclusive education was unwavering. It was not always easy, but  together we found the solutions. 

When I started kindergarten, I was not your typical looking or acting kid. I could barely hold my head up. I was strapped into a seating system in a stroller. I sported oversized shoes with orthotic supports, wore diapers and had limited ability to communicate. I constantly drooled and had to wear a bib. Assessments about cognitive ability were inconclusive.  I also had a startle reflex, which meant that any loud or sudden noise caused me to jump and usually to cry. My screaming sessions became legendary. Visualize this for a moment… 

Since my early years in school (over 30 years ago now) the benefits and importance of inclusive education have been well documented in research and practice.  There have been a multitude of pilot projects. Individualized learning approaches have been embraced. Yet, a truly inclusive education experience, where proper supports and resources are provided, is still elusive for many children with disabilities. 

If an inclusive education is truly a priority for politicians and policy makers, then they need to lead the way and invest enough resources to ensure that ALL children have access to the educational supports they need to learn. 

By the way…I still scream occasionally but only when my favourite sports team has missed the playoffs…again!