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What’s New: Reasons Why Your Company Should Be More Inclusive

Many businesses today embrace diversity in the workplace but are still unaware why inclusion is equally important. While diversity is a vital core value, it will not thrive without inclusion.” These insightful words are the focus of an article titled 5 Reasons Why Your Company Should Be More Inclusive by Scott Clark featured on weworked.

Clark outlines five key reasons why companies need to prioritize inclusion including:

  • Inclusion Enhances Employee Engagement: Giving employees a sense that they are included elevated their engagement in the company.

  • Inclusion Creates a Sense of Belonging: Numerous research studies are cited that stress that cultivating a sense of belonging is key to engagement, retention, and innovation.

  • Inclusion Improves the Employee Experience: An inclusive work environment fosters employee satisfaction and enables a company to recruit and retain top talent.

  • An Inclusive Workplace Enhances Innovation: When employees feel they belong and are valued they are inspired to be creative and embrace innovation.

  • Inclusive Leaders Are More Effective Leaders: When employees experience inclusive leadership, they are more productive and ultimately more profitable.

Clark concludes this article by reminding us that Inclusive companies lead the way to success. 

To read the full article, click here.