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What’s New: Supplier Diversity Alliance Canada

Supplier Diversity Alliance Canada (SDAC) was established in 2016 with the intention of advancing supplier diversity in Canada.  SDAC promotes effective inclusive procurement policies and practices through advocacy, research, and learning.

The four member organizations of the SDAC include: Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier CouncilCanadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of CommerceInclusive Workplace Supply Council of Canada and Women Business Enterprises Canada Council.

SDAC defines supplier diversity as “reaching out to groups not traditionally included or underrepresented in the supply chain or within the purchasing process of major corporations or governments.  Some underrepresented groups include LGBT, women, visible minority, aboriginal business owners, people with disabilities and Veterans”.

The vision of SDAC is to procure goods and services from these diverse suppliers, organizations and governments to create value in historically disadvantaged communities”. 

To learn more about the Supplier Diversity Alliance Canada, click here.