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Reimaging Special Education: Using Inclusion as a Framework to Build Equity and Support All Students

A new book, Reimagining Special Education: Using Inclusion as a Framework to Build Equity and Support All Students, by Jenna Mancini Rufo and Julie Causton, explores how inclusive educational practices can effectively respond to the unique learning needs of ALL students. Rufo and Causton present a strong case for using inclusion as a framework for learning. They have created a valuable resource for both experienced and aspiring educators. The book has seven chapters and covers the following topics:

  • Resetting School: Lessons Learned from COVD-19 Remote Instruction

  • Re-Storying Students

  • Redesigning Instruction and Assessment

  • Restructuring Intervention and Enrichment

  • Revitalizing Co-Teaching

  • Realigning Service Delivery

  • Rethinking Equity

As a person with a physical disability and an augmentative communication user who experienced first-hand the benefits of an inclusive education, I find the authors’ strategies sound and practical, and they include thought-provoking questions that will inspire the reader to think differently to turn learning possibilities into success. Rufo and Causton’s visionary and compelling message presents an extraordinary opportunity to create a better learning experience for ALL students. 

To look inside this book, click here.

To purchase this book from Brookes Publishing, click here.