Together We Rock!

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Weaving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Everything We Do

For exemplary organizations, diversity, equity, and inclusion are woven into everything they do, rather than being seen as an “add-on” that’s the responsibility of one person, position, or department. A recent inquiry reminded me of the importance of creating an organizational culture where there is a shared responsibility for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The inquiry was from a newly appointed diversity and inclusion officer at a large corporation. This professional explained that, although the organization had a comprehensive set of policies and procedures, there was no separate section on diversity, equity, and inclusion. She wondered whether I could provide guidance on how to create one. We decided to meet virtually.

I started our conversation by suggesting some resources that she could read on the concept of advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion as a shared responsibility. Then I added, “These selected readings are your first step.” Sounding genuinely curious, she asked, “What’s the second step?” I explained that if the entire organization was truly committed to championing diversity and achieving equity and inclusion, then every single one of the corporation’s policies and procedures needed to be developed through that lens. Otherwise, I explained, diversity, equity, and inclusion is viewed merely as an “add-on,” rather than as an integral component of each current practice within the organization. There was a moment of silence, which I broke by saying, “There is a third step.” She gave a nervous laugh. “I’m afraid to ask what that is.” Well,I said, “when you review the current policies and procedures, you need to engage those who are ultimately accountable for implementing them.” There was a long pause, then she said, “This is going to take a lot of time.” I agreed that it would. Months later, I received an email from this professional with a one-word message: “Done.” I then asked, “Was it worth the time?” The response was brief: “Absolutely!”

When we weave diversity, equity, and inclusion into everything we do, then . . . we rock! And when we inspire a shared responsibility to create workplaces where everyone feels a sense of belonging, then . . . together we rock!