6 Ways Diversity and Inclusion Will Change This Year

In the blog 6 Ways Diversity and Inclusion Will Change This Year, the author, Amber Cabral reminds us that “When it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), knowledge of the problem isn’t enough in order to begin to see true change, we’ll have to roll up our sleeves and get to the messy, everyday work of inclusion.” With the context of the global pandemic, Cabral focuses on six ways that diversity, equity, and inclusion will transform including but not limited to:

  • remote work will be more common;

  • inclusion will become actionable and quantitative;

  • non-inclusive company cultures will impact consumers’ loyalty; and

  • marketing will showcase greater diversity.

To read this insightful article, click here.

Sunday Roast

Sunday Roast is an Award Winning full-service brand and web
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not-for-profits and businesses to create positive change in
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