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From Sprint to Marathon: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in 2021

In the blog titled From Sprint to Marathon, the author Elisa M. Vincent, Vice President at Skillsoft, encourages organizations to ignite an authentic conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion in their workplaces. Vincent states that “In 2021, diversity, equity and inclusion will continue to be a priority, but success will come to organizations that no longer treat it as a sprint, rather a marathon.

A series of actions that organizational leaders can take to ensure a long lasting and sustainable impact proposed by Vincent includes but is not limited to:

  • choose a strategic point for the journey, and map the plan;

  • bring accountability partners along for the ride; and

  • investment in practice makes a permanent mindset.

This blog concludes with a reminder that to run the marathon, organizations will need to make an “investment in diversity, equity and inclusion over time by enabling their humans, first and foremost.”

To read this blog, click here.