What’s New: AllPlay Learn

AllPlay Learn is a program that translates inclusive practices from evidence-based research to enable schools and early learning settings to ensure meaningful outcomes for children and students. AllPlay  Learn is rooted in five principles including evidence based, meet the needs of all children, focus on real inclusion, change the world and not the child, and partner to make change happen. AllPlay Learn is a collaborative initiative with Monash University, Deakin University and Victoria State Government (Australia).

The AllPlay Learn online resources are categorized according to Early Childhood Education, Primary School, and Secondary School with information for students, parents, and teachers. Each category offers a range of tools, resources, videos and practical evidence-based strategies that aim to help create inclusive education environments. 

AllPlay Learn provides online professional learning courses for teachers and early childhood educators. AllPlay Learn publishes a biannual newsletter that provides information and resources to support inclusion.

To view AllPlay Learn resources, click here.


What’s New: Shifting the Conversation from DEI Activities to Outcomes


What’s New: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Guide