What’s New: Championing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on Nonprofit Boards

Boards may be getting slightly more diverse, but they are far from representing the people and the communities served by their respective organizations. This key finding is a central theme in the Leading with Intent: Reviewing the State of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on Nonprofit Boards published by BoardSource. 

The statistics  and trends that are noted in this report suggests that the non-profit and voluntary sector require some further reflection on the actual extent of their success in achieving  diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a recognized leader in nonprofit governance leadership, the team at BoardSource includes in their report a series questions designed to initiate a meaningful conversation with nonprofit boards to:

  • Reflect  on the importance of board diversity to the board’s work and its values.

  • Recruit for board diversity in a strategic and respectful way.

  • Commit to building an inclusive and welcoming culture.

  • Consider the level of depth of your DEI practices and assess how you can go deeper.

  • Dedicate time for continuous learning.

Boards members of voluntary and nonprofit organizations will find this report informative and a good resource in their journey to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion.

To view this report, click here


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