What’s New: Cool Wheelchair!

As ableism creeps more and more into my life it is becoming harder to remain positive about our collective efforts to champion inclusion diversity, equity, and accessibility in communities. News stories abound about lack of accessible housing, biased hiring practices, inadequate government funding for essential services for people with disabilities and wheelchairs damaged by airlines! It is not surprising that in many jurisdictions, disability continues to be the most frequently cited ground of discrimination under applicable human rights codes. 

It is easy some days to get discouraged but a chance meeting with Olivia restored my faith in humanity. Let me tell you the story…

Last summer I was out for a spin in my new motorized wheelchair. As I scooted down the street, I noticed that a young girl and her mother were headed in my direction. When we were a few feet apart the young girl stopped and stared at me. Her mother who was holding her hand tried to pull her along, but she did not move. I was waiting for the commonly asked question “Hey mom, what’s wrong with that guy?” Instead, the girl smiled and said “Cool wheelchair. I’m Olivia. Is that a communication board?” As a person who is nonverbal, I have a communication board on the tray of my wheelchair. Olivia let go of her mother’s hand and came closer so that she could read what I spelled on my communication board. We chatted for a few minutes while her mother looked totally uncomfortable yet amazed at this encounter. A simple “See ya” concluded our conversation. As they headed off, I could hear Olivia giving her mother some key tips about including people with disabilities in the community. 

As I continued my journey, I thought about what had just happened. Olivia knew everything that she needed to know about being an “Includer”. I chuckled and said to myself “Yes, Olivia, I do have a cool wheelchair!”


What’s New: Happy Holidays from Together We Rock!


What’s New: LEGO Is Building a More Inclusive and Equitable World