What’s New: Creating a More Diverse, Inclusive Workplace

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Sue Bhatia, Founder and Chair of Rose International states “As many companies roll out recovery plans and navigate a new normal with regard to the way we work, we can’t afford to neglect diversity in the workplace.”      

Bhatia’s article titled Creating a More Diverse, Inclusive Workplace featured on Forbes focuses on key strategies to create more diverse and inclusive workplaces including:       

  • Address workforce gaps

  • Encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience

  • Create a collaborative workplace community

  • Keep networking, even if it is virtual

  • Foster discussion with internal development programs

Bhatia reminds corporations that improving diversity will take time however “It is always worth it for all involved.”

This article can be accessed here.

Sunday Roast

Sunday Roast is an Award Winning full-service brand and web
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