What’s New: DEI Initiatives and Their Impact

It is encouraging that so many corporations and businesses have embraced the reality that championing diversity, inclusion, equity, and accessibility is not only the right thing to do but it is also good for their bottom line. Despite this positive trend, emerging research suggests that there is still more work to do to ensure that DEI efforts translate into measurable results. 

 The article titled 6 Ways to Help Your DEI Initiatives Drive Greater Impact by Karina Govindji on forbes.com six important lessons the Google discovered In their DEI journey are detailed including:

  • set aspirational goals so that it is clear what a team is aiming to work towards.

  • make DEI a shared responsibility that everyone is accountable for.

  • pay attention to how management leaders deal with diversity.

  • be intentional about measures to mitigate biases that show-up in processes.

  • let your data do the talking.

  • prioritize actions with the greatest impact. 

For each of these lessons the author shares specific strategies that Google implemented. The author reminds corporations and businesses that everyone needs to be “constantly working to build a long-lasting framework that will ensure every employee feels appreciated, valued, and heard as individuals when it matters most—even if the definition of what those mean evolves over time.” 

To read this article, click here


What’s New: Indicators of Inclusive Schools


Happy Easter!