What’s New: Develop, Connect and Engage Conference

The Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) is a professional network of service providers united to increase employment opportunities for people who have a disability. On an annual basis, ODEN sponsors a Rethink Disability Conference that is designed for businesses and employment service agencies. The conference will be held from November 13-15, 2023, in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

There is an impressive list of keynote, plenary, and workshop topics including:

  • Detecting Workplace Mental Health Issues and How to Help

  • Digital Accessibility & Why You Need to Know About It!

  • Leading Change: Creating a Culture of Engaged Teams 

  • Making Conversations Count with Accessible Social Media

  • Will Robots Take My Job?  AI is not taking your Job, but you may have to work with it

To view the conference program and register, click here.


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