What’s New: Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces

“Inclusion goes beyond diversity. Differences among individuals are not just identified but are celebrated and integrated into daily work life.” This quote is the central theme in the article titled Diversity in the Workplace isn’t Enough: Businesses Need to Work Toward Inclusion by Steven Smith and Vurain Tabvuma of Saint Mary’s University, Katelynn Carter-Rogers of St. Francis Xavier University. The authors share their perspectives that diversity and inclusion are distinct and interrelated concepts and identify the following practices:

  • Harness the power of inclusive leaders

  • Ensure participation in decision-making

  • Begin the process with an open mind

  • Promote a shared responsibility for inclusion

This article is published in The Conversation Canada that is an independent source of news and views, that publishes articles by "academics employed by, or otherwise formally connected to, accredited institutions, including universities and accredited research bodies".

To read the entire article, click here.


What’s New: Strategic Planning for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Toolkit


What’s New: The Art of Inclusion: Teaching Students To Be Includers