What’s New: Diversity and Inclusion in the Canadian Workplace

Since its inception in 1999, AFOA Canada has been committed to help Indigenous people better manage and govern their communities and organizations through a focus on enhancing management, finance and governance practices and skills. AFOA Canada’s premise is that one of the keys to successful self-determination, creating a better life for Canada’s Indigenous people and a better future for the next generation lies in improving the management skills of those responsible for the stewardship of Indigenous resources.

Jordan Wapass, Principal Consultant, Cree8ive Advisory is the author of an insightful article titled the Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion in the Canadian Workplace featured on the AFOA Canada website. Wapass stresses that “diversity and inclusion cannot be implemented through policy alone. It takes hard work and serious dedication. A company cannot just write an initiative and believe their work is done. Indeed, many companies purport to be inclusive and diverse, but that belief is part of the problem – in essence, you cannot fix what you do not see”. This well organized and thoughtful article provides clear definitions of diversity and inclusion and its benefits to corporations. Wapass cautions Canadian corporations that “When lack of inclusivity is the problem, you can be certain a fall in motivation and engagement – as well as a rise in employee turnover – is likely to follow”.

To read this article, click here.


What’s New: Inclusive Teaching Toolkit


What’s New: Ways to Create an Inclusive Marketing Strategy