What’s New: Driving Innovation and Success

“The positive impact of diversity and inclusion extends beyond social responsibility; it is a strategic imperative that drives success and positions companies for long-term sustainability.” This perspective is a central theme in the article titled The Power of Diversity and Inclusion: Driving Innovation and Success by Jason Miller featured on Forbes.com.

Miller stresses that organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion have a competitive edge not just financially but in employee engagement, productivity, innovation, and retention. The author emphasises that “companies prioritizing diversity and inclusion are considered employers of choice by new talent.”

One of the interesting concepts addressed by the author is the importance of expanded cultural competence and global perspective that results when employees experience various cultures, traditions, and perspectives. Miller states that “Employees can learn and benefit from each other, better navigate markets and build relationships based on cultural understanding and empathy.” 

This article presents an insightful look at the value of diversity and inclusion in driving innovation and success.

To read the article, click here.


What’s New: Maximizing Diversity and Inclusion


What’s New: Authentic Marketing for DEI Commitments