What’s New: How to Build an Inclusive Business: The Ultimate Guide

“Most business owners focus on one thing to measure success: profitability. However, those who focus on the triple bottom line – which considers people and the planet alongside profitability – show even greater gains.” In the article titled How to Build an Inclusive Business: The Ultimate Guide featured on pay.com the author Nicole Forrest provides a comprehensive guide to assist businesses in their journey to be more inclusive. 

Forrest begins the guide by answering the questions What is inclusivity? The next section summarizes the decades of research and experience that presents a compelling case of why Inclusivity matters to businesses including:

  • increased innovation due to diversity of thinking.

  • correlation between diversity practices and increases job performance.

  • stronger brand and increased ability to market to a wider range of customers.

  • better performance and higher profits. 

A unique feature of this guide is that the author attempts to help leaders to visualize what an inclusive business looks through a practical and thoughtful discussion on the effectiveness of fair hiring practices, internal policies, considered community involvement and sensible supplier relationships. Forrest follows-up on the strategies with examples of inclusive businesses and how they addressed the challenges they faced in achieving their inclusivity goals. The last section of the guide is a list of frequently asked questions that support the key components of the guide. 

This guide will be of interest to leaders, employers, and consumers (yes…there is a section for consumers).

To view this guide, click here


What’s New: Accessibility Exchange


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