What’s New: I Love Working Here! Real Examples of Inclusive Workplaces

“Many workplaces don’t put much thought into developing a climate where their employees feel safe and have a sense of belonging,” says career coach Marie Gervais, PhD. On her blog ShiftWorkPlace.com, Gervais gives some real-world examples of successful inclusion, and explains how they got there.

Transparency and employee input

Here’s an example of some outside-the-box thinking at a chemical engineering company when it comes to hiring.  Selected applicants are interviewed by a panel of three potential peers. The peers are asked to rate each candidate, and submit the ratings to the hiring manager who will do the final interview. The peer group then takes each candidate through the company and introduces the person as “one of our valued potential candidates.” Candidates who are not hired say it was the most “transparent and inclusive” interview they ever experienced. Those who are offered a job go in knowing who they will be working with and where, and, the company says, integrate more easily into the company culture.

Customers as employees, employees as customers (and a better bottom line too)

One McDonald’s franchise owner makes a point of telling his staff that everyone who comes into the restaurant could be a future colleague.  New hires are trained to see all their colleagues as customers, and to treat them with the same respect they do customers. This means staff feel responsible for both bringing in and ensuring the success of new hires, and they are constantly reminded of a high standard of customer service. This particular McDonald’s restaurant not only has the highest retention rate in Canada, but it has consistently remained one of the top three national sellers in spite of being located in a small community.

There are more real-life examples of inclusivity that works. Read the rest of the article here:  https://shiftworkplace.com/love-working-real-examples-inclusive-workplaces/


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