What’s New: Inclusive Communities for Children and Youth

Inclusive Communities Canada (ICCan) is a not-for-profit organization that seeks to bring together tools, learning resources and recreational programs to enhance inclusion of children and youth in their communities. ICCan is built on three foundational pillars: Learn, Engage, Connect. University based student chapters undertake initiatives to champion inclusion within communities based on these foundational pillars.  

ICCan creates and distributes resources for service providers to inspire best inclusion practices for children and youth. One of the resources is a three-part Inclusive Recreation webinar series hosted by the University of Toronto Club Chapter. The focus of this webinar is evidence-based inclusion practices for people with disabilities in sport and recreation.

To learn more about ICCan, click here.


What’s New: Doubling Down on Accessibility


What’s New: Out of My Mind and Out of My Heart: Books for Youth