What’s New: Nothing Without Us!

“Over the past decade, much has been made of the business case of disability, yet one of the most glaring omissions has been the fact that the lived experience of disability can be a true value ad when looking at the culture of business itself.” This insightful comment is featured in the article titled Mindset Matters: Looking Beyond Nothing About Us, Without Us Towards a New Horizon in Business and Culture by Jonathan Kaufman on forbes.com

The phrase “Nothing about us without us” promotes the full and direct engagement of people with disabilities in the processes and decisions that will directly affecting them and ultimately achieve true equality and inclusion. The author suggests that moving from the mindset of “Nothing about us, without us” to “Nothing without us” is long overdue.  

Kaufman discusses the “missed opportunities” when corporations, businesses and governments develop policies, processes, new products, and services and do not engage the people that will be directly impacted. 

The advice provided at the end of this article is worth further reflection by all of us. “By recognizing the underlying value of disability as a direct correlation to a larger mission we open a well of possibilities to create a win for all.”

To read or listen to this article, click here.


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