What’s New: Pathways to Inclusive Teaching

Soulaymane KachaniCatherine Ross, and Amanda Irving of Columbia University remind post secondary educators that “Implementing inclusive teaching strategies in your classroom does not require huge changes or full course redesigns. Nor does inclusive teaching demand the abandonment of favorite classroom techniques, topics, readings, or assignments.” In their article titled 5 Principles as Pathways to Inclusive Teaching featured in Inside Higher Ed the authors provide sound guidance on five inclusive teaching principles including:

  • Principle One: Establish and support a class climate that fosters belonging for all students.

  • Principle Two: Set explicit student expectations.

  • Principle Three: Select course content that recognizes diversity and acknowledges barriers to inclusion.

  • Principle Four: Design all course elements for accessibility.

  • Principle Five: Reflect on your beliefs about teaching to maximize self-awareness and commitment to inclusion.

Teaching strategies accompany each one of these principles. The authors further expand their guidance in the resource Guide for Inclusive Teaching at Columbia.

To read the full article, click here.


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