What’s New: Student Leadership E-Workbooks

The Together We Rock! Student Leadership E-Workbook Series has been designed to help teachers and elementary students (grades 4 to 8) in championing accessible and inclusive schools, neighbourhoods, and communities. The five e-workbooks cover the following topics:

  • Creating a Sense of Community

  • Celebrating Diversity + Disability

  • Inspiring Inclusive Communities

  • Creating Accessible Communities

  • Leadership and Teamwork

Each workbook features topic-specific information, activities, and tools to help students in their endeavours to make a difference. The student leadership e-workbooks can be purchased as a set or individually. 

To view the Student Leadership E-Workbooks, click here


What’s New: A Collaboration To Fight Against Ableism


What’s New: The Dangers of Mistaking Diversity for Inclusion in the Workplace