What’s New: Words Matter: A Perspective on the Term “Special Needs”

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Words matter! David Oliver of USA Today reminds us of that fact in his blog entitled “‘I am not ashamed’: Disability advocates, experts implore you to stop saying ‘special needs.’” Oliver explains why, for some, the term “special needs” feels offensive. If you use this term in reference to people with disabilities, then this blog is essential reading. One of the most powerful quotes that the author includes in the blog is from Lisette Torres-Gerald of the National Coalition for Latinxs with Disabilities. She states: “I am disabled by society due to my impairment. My needs are not ‘special’; they are the same, human needs that everyone else has, and I should be able to fully participate in society just as much as the next person.”

To read this blog, click here.

Sunday Roast

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