Together We Rock!

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Living Our Gratitude Rocks!

Every day the news about the worldwide pandemic is heartbreaking, concerning and hopeful all at once. My heart is full of gratitude for the tireless and selfless efforts of so many Canadians. I know these heroes have appreciated the outpouring of support shown to them through spontaneous applause, caravans of honking vehicles, neighbourhoods clanging pots and pans, boisterous singing of the national anthem from apartment balconies, and generous donations of time and money. It is my hope that our gratitude is not just for this moment but can be cultivated further as we embrace our new reality. John F. Kennedy, an extraordinary leader, faced significant personal and political challenges in his lifetime. Kennedy understood the importance of acknowledging the goodness of others and learning to “live” our gratitude. He is quoted as saying, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” Over the last couple of weeks, I have reflected on these inspiring words and asked myself how I can better “live” my gratitude for all our heroes during the uncertain and challenging days that lie ahead. Here are the commitments I am making to transform my words of appreciation to living my gratitude.

Thank you to the healers – the doctors, nurses, medical technicians, emergency responders, public health officials, therapists and counsellors, health care administrative staff, cleaners and so many others. You show up every day with courage, compassion and hope, despite the risks. Your dedication keeps our health care system functioning. Our country has failed you by not ensuring that you have the personal protective equipment you need. I will live my gratitude to you by raising my voice to advocate for a “Made in Canada” solution so you can stay safe and well.

Thank you to the innovators, including the researchers, engineers and technology wizards who are dedicated to creating solutions. You have stepped up in so many ways, including working to develop a new vaccine and retooling to produce ventilators. I will live my gratitude to you by encouraging our Canadian leaders to make a greater investment of public and private funds for ongoing research and development.

Thank you to the farmers and others who produce our food and those who transport it. As a foodie I have always valued your contributions, but now you radiate awesome. I will live my gratitude by supporting local farms and your industry as a whole in its endeavours to find more sustainable ways to bring food to market.

Thank you to the journalists and communicators who gather, report and interpret information. The efforts of so many of you to share the facts and truth make me proud that this was my field of study. I will live my gratitude by calling out those in the media who appear to have forgotten the meaning of integrity.

Thank you to the neighbours and volunteers who are looking out for others. Your care and compassion ease the challenges that others experience daily. I have personally experienced your kindness, whether from neighbours who leave notes in my mailbox to say they are here to help or friends who bring groceries or drop by to say hello from the driveway. You inspire me to live my gratitude by finding ways to pay forward your kindness.

Thank you to the customer service personnel and caretakers, including childcare educators, personal support workers, and retail and restaurant staff. You have been working hard to help us in so many ways. You carry out your job with a smile, even though you are underpaid and have no access to sick leave. I will live my gratitude by standing with you to change your working conditions.

Thank you to the Canadian elected officials and public servants. You have proven you are more than your titles and jobs. Amid your efforts to respond to the here and now, you are seeing firsthand the inequities and flaws in the health care system and socio-economic landscape of our country. Together we will need to find better ways to do things. I will live my gratitude by committing to participate in the dialogue for change and remembering your response when I vote.

To the individuals and families who have lost a loved one to COVID-19: it has been heartbreaking to watch you have to say good-bye from a window or iPad. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. In honour of the life of your family member, I will push myself every day to be better.

This moment and our future belong to all of us. Let us find ways to “live” our gratitude to create a legacy we can all be proud of. When we create this legacy, we rock. And when we do it together… then Together We Rock!