Possibilities for a Better World
A possibility is more than a dream or a vision. It is something that can actually happen in the here and now. Our world is filled with endless possibilities that are within our reach every day. As our world transforms in unprecedented ways, it presents new challenges. To find solutions to these challenges, there is an urgency for each of us to cultivate the ability to inspire and champion possibilities. Possibilities for a better world.
The journey to realize possibilities begins with us. Our actions may not change the entire world, but we can make possibilities happen in our own communities, workplaces, schools, and neighbourhoods.
There will always be naysayers who tell you that possibilities do not exist, or that now is not the time, or that there is no money to make them happen. During those moments, it might help to remember this quote from best-selling author and philanthropist Sarah Ban Breathnach: “Consider the track record of your naysayers. How many dreams have they successfully brought into this world?”
Our journey to create a better world – hopefully a world that is more equitable, inclusive, and accessible – requires us to believe that it is possible, and then to inspire and champion the possibilities. All of us have the potential to embrace the journey to realize possibilities. The question we need to answer is, “What are we waiting for?” When we believe in possibilities for a more equitable, inclusive, and accessible world, then we rock! And when, together, we embrace the journey to realize these possibilities, then…Together We Rock!