Realizing Possibilities…What are you waiting for?

A possibility is more than a dream or a vision. It is something that can actually happen in the here and now. Our world is filled with endless possibilities that are within our reach every day. 

The journey to realize possibilities begins with us. Our actions may not change the entire world, but we can make possibilities happen. The journey may not always be easy, but it will always be worth it.

Our belief in possibilities must transcend those moments when there are obstacles or when we come face to face with a naysayer who says it’s not possible. Jessica DiLullo Herrin, author of the book Find Your Extraordinary, tells us, “Naysayers will always exist, but you don’t have to let them sit in the front row.” Throughout my life, as a person with a physical disability and who is nonverbal, I have been determined not to let naysayers sit in my front row.

There was one notable moment when my belief in possibilities – and my determination to ignore the naysayers – greatly influenced the path I took in my career. In high school, I had a modified course load because it took me longer to write my assignments with my assistive computer technology. As a result of this modified course load, it was sometimes a challenge to create a timetable that included all the core subjects I needed to get my high school diploma. One year the timetable didn’t work out, and my choices were limited. 

I could either have a spare or take a grade 12 entrepreneurial studies course. One of my educators suggested that the spare might be more beneficial, partly because he could not see how a course in entrepreneurial studies would help shape my future. Out of sheer defiance, I chose the course even though — confession time! — I had no clear idea what entrepreneurial studies was... As it turned out, I found this course extremely interesting, and I got an A-plus on the main assignment, which was — I kid you not — on setting up a small business.

 Many of my educators took it as a fluke that I did so well. Clearly, they still could not envision that this course might have any relevance to my future. But I am thankful for these naysayers because their doubts fuelled my determination to prove them wrong. Now, a couple of decades later, here I am an entrepreneur and founder of Together We Rock! Inc. for over 16 years. 

Inspiring possibilities means finding the potential in us, and encouraging the potential that exists in other people, to make a difference. To inspire possibilities, we build on our belief and commitment, and we cultivate a possibility mindset. When we have a possibility mindset, we consciously think beyond what we have ever thought or imagined. 

I have learned that if I limit my mindset, then the results I desire will be limited too. However, a possibility mindset does not mean we have to be positive all the time.  I will be the first to admit that on Monday mornings, especially before my first cup of ice coffee, my possibility mindset is nowhere to be found.  I’m usually tired from my weekend adventures, and my first glance at the morning news rarely inspires possibility thinking. It is only after the shot of caffeine kicks in that my possibility mindset springs to life. 

Our journey to create a better world – hopefully a world that is more equitable, inclusive, and accessible – requires us to believe that it is possible and then to inspire and champion the possibilities. All of us have the potential to embrace the journey to realize possibilities. The question we need to answer is, “What are we waiting for?”


Become A Spark…Now is the Time