What’s New: 6 Ways to Cultivate a Workplace Culture that Inspires Diversity and Inclusion

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“True diversity isn’t about checking the box.”  Is the opening statement by leadership expert Heidi Lynne Kurter in the article 6 Ways to Cultivate a Workplace Culture That Inspires Diversity and Inclusion featured in Forbes. Kurter outlines ways companies and human resources professionals can foster a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace and “ditch the check the box mentality.”  The six key strategies that are explored in the article include:

  • Drive Change Through Education

  • Foster A Supportive and Safe Space

  • Practice Collective Accountability

  • Review the Application and Selection Process

  • Celebrate Employee Differences

  • Be Honest About Goals, Progress and Shortcoming

Kurter encourages leaders to “be proactive in community diversity and inclusion goals, metrics and how these results will impact the mission, culture, brand and bottom line of the company.”  

To read this article click here.

Sunday Roast

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