What’s New: Access Ability: A Practical Handbook on Accessible Graphic Design

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The Association of Registered Graphic Designers (RGD) has developed a practical handbook titled Access Ability that is available as a web-based resource and download PDF. The handbook features a user-friendly layout with helpful visuals and examples. The handbook is comprised six sections including:

  • Planning and Management

  • Design Fundamentals: Design, Language and Colour usage

  • Typography: Accessibility, Typeface Selection and Typesetting

  • Digital Media: Digital and Web Accessibility, Semantic Structure, Non-Text Content, Office Documents and Accessible PDFs

  • Physical Media: Print Design and Environmental Graphic Design

  • Resources: Publications, Website and Tools

To access this handbook, click here.

Sunday Roast

Sunday Roast is an Award Winning full-service brand and web
design agency, partnering with purpose-driven entrepreneurs,
not-for-profits and businesses to create positive change in
the world.


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