What’s New: #Ableism

Ableism is a form of discrimination against people with a disability. It is often described as prejudice that is rooted in the idea that people with a disability are less valuable than people without a disability. Ableism exists in all aspects of our lives.

One of the most insightful blogs that I have read on the topic of ableism is by Leah Smith, writer, communications professional, and disability advocate. The blog titled #Ableism is featured on the website of the Centre for Disability Rights.

Smith focuses on  three key messages and then concludes her blog by stating that “the best way to de-root ableism in our everyday lives, is to ensure that there’s always a seat at the table for those who are like you and those who are not, but also checking ourselves on how we treat people with disabilities once they are at the table”. 

Be courageous and read this short blog and then reflect on whether there is a seat at “the table” in your workplace and organization for people with disabilities and then ask   are you listening to what they have to say?

To read this blog, click here.


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