What’s New: Accessible Playgrounds For ALL

As a kid going to a playground was one of my favourite excursions. My parents were extraordinary in their efforts to make my experience as an inclusive as it could because most playgrounds were not accessible. Although there has been progress in creating accessible playgrounds there are still many children and families living with a disability that are excluded. 

In their efforts to promote more inclusive communities, Tim Ross and his colleagues at the Holland Bloorview Research Institute EPIC Lab are championing play environments for all children through their resource titled, Creating Inclusive Playgrounds: A Playbook of Considerations and Strategies.

The comprehensive playbook(141 pages) is a valuable resource  for families, municipalities, schools, community groups, design professional, builders and community planners. A key section of the playbook is titled “Can I Play?” that addresses topics including playground surfaces, playground safety, signage and wayfinding, weather and climate considerations and play programming. The playbook is well organized and features practical strategies. 

To view the playbook, click here


What’s New: Advocating for Disability Justice


What’s New: Workplace DEI As a Collective Effort