What’s New: Canada’s Best Diversity Employers

The Canada’s Best Diversity Employers national competition by Mediacorp recognizes employers across Canada who have implemented successful diversity initiatives for employers from five groups: women; members of visible minorities; persons with disabilities; indigenous peoples; and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered / transexual (LGBTQ) peoples. A profile of the diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives of each of the outstanding employers is featured by Mediacorp.  

An overarching approach that has been adopted by these leading employers is developing the capacity and competency to learn and listen to their employees. Some of the diversity, equity and inclusion strategies include:

  • Accenture Inc. implemented mandatory unconscious bias and anti-racism training to their workforce

  • Bell Canada launched an accessibility advisory group to advance employment opportunities for persons with disabilities

  • CIBC developed and implemented a roadmap to integrate inclusive design and improve accessibility

  • Loblaw Companies Ltd established measurable goals to improve diversity of their leadership teams

To learn more about the Canada’s Best Diversity Employer national competition by Medicorp, click here 


What’s New: Accessible Parks and Trails


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