What’s New: Children’s Books to Encourage Acceptance and Inclusion

Educating children on the importance of acceptance and inclusion is the responsibility of all of us. Parents, educators, librarians, and community members can encourage children to read books that foster a sense of belonging.  The websites of Sanford fit and We Are Teachers have lists of recommended children’s books. 

Sanford fit is an initiative from Sanford Health designed to engage and empower children, families, and communities to make healthy lifestyle choices. One of the resources featured on the Sanford fit website is an article titled Top 10 Children’s Books to Encourage Acceptance and Inclusion.

Another resource for children’s books is a blog titled 16 Shelf-worthy Children’s Books About Disabilities for all Students by Lindsay Barrett on the We Are Teachers website. One of the recommended books is We Move Together by Kelly Fritsch and Anne McGuire. This book is a fabulous tool for schools and libraries to facilitate a dialogue on inclusion, accessibility, and equity.

To check out the Sanford fit article on children’s books, click here

To view the list of children’s books in the blog featured at We Are Teachers, click here


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