What’s New: Creating Diverse and Inclusive Fire-Rescue Services

“A successful fire-rescue organization is determined by its overall culture and environment. Leaders who create a culture of diversity with inclusion not only improve their department but also their community.” This insight is featured in the introduction of the Guide for Creating A Diverse and Inclusive Department published by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC). 

The guide is designed to be a practical tool to enable fire-rescue departments and organizations to champion diversity and create more inclusive and equitable cultures. The guide consists of the following eight sections.

  • Vision, Mission, and Values

  • Strategic Plan Development and Implementation

  • Communication

  • Policies and Procedures

  • Job Descriptions

  • Training and Development

  • Individual Development Plans and Performance Reviews

  • Valuing Each Other and Community 

Each section of this guide features a description of the topic area, worksheets, checklists, and tools. There is a comprehensive resource section at the end of the document. The guide is a valuable resource for aspiring and current fire-rescue professionals, EMS chiefs, chief fire officers and managers of emergency service organizations. 

To view this guide, click here


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