What’s New: Diverse and Inclusive Marketing Matters

It’s clear that customers spend more money to support inclusive companies and brands. While increased revenue shouldn’t be the only reason to consider diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in your marketing, it certainly demonstrates that consumers are ready to invest in brands that celebrate them.”

This insight of Allie Decker, freelance writer, and Head of Content at Omniscient Digital is featured in an informative  blog  titled “Why diverse and inclusive marketing matters” on Vimeo.com. The key topics that Decker addresses in the post include:

DEI in marketing is about accurately reflecting customers in marketing and advertising initiatives. Decker presents a compelling case to demonstrate that a diverse and inclusive approach to marketing has bottom-line advantages including: 

  • 83% of Millennials prefer to buy from companies that align with their beliefs and values

  • 71% will pay more for a product if they know some proceeds will go to charity

  • 61% of consumers think diversity in marketing is crucial

  • 38% are more inclined to trust brands that “effectively embrace diversity in their marketing”

This blog showcases perspectives from Candace Williams, Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Vimeo when building an inclusive and equitable marketing framework Williams identified four main principles for marketing professionals and companies to consider including:      

  • Cultivating Intentional partnerships is key to strengthening connections with target audiences.

  • Consider your audience as real people, not faceless personas

  • Diversify your marketing team

  • Follow through with action

The insights of Candace Williams on each of these principles is a “must-read” for marketing teams. 

The blog concludes  with a reminder from Allie Decker, blog author, that “At the end of the day, featuring a variety of audiences, narratives, and cultures in your marketing allows even more opportunities to connect with people and share what your products, solutions, and brand can do.”

To read this meaningful article, click here.


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