What’s New: Diversity Activities for Youth and Adults

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PennState Extension has developed a fabulous resource list of fun activities that teachers, youth leaders and childcare professionals can do with youth and adults to promote discussion about diversity, equity and inclusion. While most of the activities are appropriate for students in grades 5 to 9 and adults, some can be adapted for younger children. For each activity, the goal, time commitment, materials needed and detailed instructions are given. The time needed for activities ranges from 15 to 45 minutes. Some specific activities and their goals are:

  • Potato Activity: To eliminate stereotyping and recognize the uniqueness of each individual

  • Is That a Fact?: To articulate the difference between fact and opinion and to identify ways to clarify or qualify statements of opinion

  • Label Activity: To experience the effects of inclusion and exclusion in a simulated activity

  • Walk About—Walk Together: To recognize the differences among people, as well as the many similarities people share

  • Lookism: To identify how appearance affects bias

To access this resource, click here.

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What’s New: The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Handbook


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