What’s New: Diversity and Inclusion in Tech

It is difficult to quantify how much talent and value has evaporated away from the global technology industry because of diversity inertia. Only once people of all backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives feel safe and confident to participate will we truly realize the potential we are collectively capable of.” This is the conclusion reached by Niklas Zennström, Founding Partner and CEO of Atomico in the introduction of the toolkit titled Diversity & inclusion in Tech. This practical guide for entrepreneurs was a collaborative initiative between Atomico and Diversity VC and has been developed based on the expertise of a team of diversity and inclusion practitioners and HR experts and the findings of pre-existing applied research. 

The first section of the guide focuses on understanding bias and building consensus. Organizational leaders and entrepreneurs are encouraged to educate themselves and others about bias and evaluate their workplaces through discussion groups, surveys, and independent consultations. 

Planning a D&I strategy is the second component of this guide and starts with an approach to map out communities within a company and then give them ownership to contribute to their own D&I strategy. Leaders are also encouraged to allow for failure and in the words of the authors of the guide“let everyone know that not every new idea will work and build a culture of constructive feedback.”

The third part of the guide offers specific D&I strategies to implement in a business. There is a plethora of helpful information related to hiring, organizational culture accessible and universal design.  

 The case studies in the final section of the guide act as a motivating force for companies to say “Yes” to moving forward to championing more diverse and inclusive workplaces.     

This comprehensive guide is well designed and intertwines research, practical strategies, and stories from company founders of their experiences in implementing their DEI plans.

To download this guide, click here


What’s New: Diversity in the Workplace


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