What’s New: University of Guelph Hosts Accessibility Conference 

The Annual Accessibility Conference hosted by the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario is designed for both accessibility novices and experts who work in post-secondary education, the public and private sectors. The general public is also welcome. The conference is recognized as high-quality and affordable event that is committed to an  inclusive and equitable experience for both presenters and attendees. The conference program is extensive and  includes both practical and theoretical sessions. 

The keynote address is titled The Responsibility and Opportunity in Creating Inclusive Environments by Jason Brommet who is the Lead of the Modern Work and Surface business for North America, 

The Accessibility Conference will take place May 24-26, 2023, at Rozanski Hall, University of Guelph. The conference and workshop fees vary depending on the sessions that registrants plan to attend. There is a discounted rate for students. 

To learn more about  the conference program and registration, click here


What’s New: Diversity and Inclusion in Tech


What’s New: Diversity is a Fact, Inclusion is a Choice