What’s New: Diversity is a Fact, Inclusion is a Choice

“For organizations pursuing DEI initiatives, don’t raise your arms in victory when you achieve diversity. Diversity is a way station, not a destination. It’s the first step in a two-step process. Inclusion is the second step that will release the potential value of diversity that often lies dormant.” This is the conclusion reached by Timothy R. Clark in the article titled Diversity Is A Fact, Inclusion Is A Choice posted on forbes.com. 

This article draws attention to diversity alone will not lead to divergent thinking, innovation, and a competitive advantage but rather diversity is “activated by inclusion”. Clark believes that to truly create an inclusive culture, corporate and business leaders need to acknowledge that institutional bias exists, and it is embedded into the practices, systems, and processes of organizations. To remove institutional bias will take a focused and committed approach. 

This article has a compelling message that is worth the six minutes of your time it will take to read or listen to the audio recording. 

To view this article, click here


What’s New: University of Guelph Hosts Accessibility Conference 


What’s New: Inspiring Diversity and Inclusion In A Child’s Life