What’s New: How to Put Accessibility at the Forefront of Marketing

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Vikas Khorana, web accessibility advocate and co-founder of Ntooitive Digital and TruAbilities, recently posted an insightful blog entitled “How to Put Accessibility at the Forefront of Marketing” on Forbes.com.

From Khorana’s perspective, consumers with disabilities and their families are often not fully considered in the design and marketing of products and services. Khorana encourages marketing leaders to ask these five questions before they launch any marketing campaign:

  • Is the ad’s creative call to action clear?

  • Are the fonts used deployed with readability in mind?

  • Are you representing text with images?

  • Is the landing page for the campaign designed with accessibility in mind?

  • Could someone using assistive technology navigate the campaign target pages?

Khorana argues that there is a direct link between the success of an organization and the value it places on being inclusive of all consumers, including its customers with disabilities.

To read this blog, click here.

Sunday Roast

Sunday Roast is an Award Winning full-service brand and web
design agency, partnering with purpose-driven entrepreneurs,
not-for-profits and businesses to create positive change in
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