What’s New: Human Resources Strategies to Achieve Diversity and Inclusion

Human resource professionals play a critical role in championing authentic diversity and inclusion initiatives in their workplaces. The Human Resources Council of Forbes shares ways to build an effective DEI initiative in workplaces in their article titled 15 HR-Recommended Strategies for Achieving True Diversity and Inclusion. 

Some of the strategies identified by members of the Human Resources Council of Forbes include:

  • Standardize the interview experience to minimize hiring bias. Sean Fahey, VidCruiter of the Human Resources Council recommends this strategy to “objectively hire people who are more representative of human race as a whole”

  • Think in terms of “culture add” versus “culture fit”. Jeff Carr, Inkling encourages HR professionals to champion culture add” which is “a philosophy that consciously embraces individuals from different backgrounds, communities and demographics to foster a culture of inclusiveness.”

  • Focus on Inclusion and belonging is the advice from Ben DeSpain of Velocity, a Managed Services Company. Despain states that “People need to feel included to know that their voices are heard. When every team member feels valued, supported, and heard, they bring whole self to work.”

  • Ensure leadership commitment and buy-in. For a DEI initiative to be successful Tracy Cote of Zenefits stresses that it is paramount to” spend time with your leaders to ensure they are fully bought in and committed to cultural change. You’ll be rewarded with slower but more lasting and meaningful change”.

This article is a must read for human resources professionals and company leaders.

To view this article, click here


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