What’s New: Inclusive and Accessible Faith Communities

“Full and meaningful participation in rituals, worship, and faith community activities affirms belonging and is often an extension of one’s faith.” This insight can be found in the introductory pages of the Our Doors are Open Guide developed by the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University. This guide was developed to offer diverse faith communities in Ontario simple and creative ideas to help increase inclusion and accessibility for people with disabilities in worship services, events, and community activities.

The Our Door are Open Guide is a practical resource with checklist, strategies, sample resources and progress worksheets. There is a section with tips on how faith communities can get started to improve accessibility and inclusion by identifying barriers and making an action plan. The most impressive section of the guide includes:

  • strategies for shifting attitudes and promoting active participation.

  • strategies for improving communications.

  • strategies for making buildings and facilities accessible.

An extensive list of resources at the end of the guide are organized according to topics as follows:

  • inclusive thinking and welcoming

  • participation and inclusion 

  • improving communications 

  • making buildings and facilities more accessible

  • outreach and faith

This guide is a helpful resource for leaders and volunteers of faith communities.

To view the Our Doors are Open Guide, click here


Happy Easter!


What’s New: Small Ways To Be A More Inclusive Colleague