What’s New: Small Ways To Be A More Inclusive Colleague

Creating a workplace that is inclusive of and accessible of everyone is a shared responsibility. Each of us, regardless of our position can cultivate a culture where our workplace colleagues feel a sense of belonging. 

In the blog article 7 Small Ways to be a More Inclusive Colleague by Nikita and Grace Lordan featured in the Harvard Business Review the authors state “Each and every one of us can decide to be an inclusive colleague and take small actions every day to improve our workplace culture”.

Some of the small actions that are recommended in this blog for colleagues to transform the level of inclusivity in their workplace include:

  • Highlight others’ contributions

  • Use your pronouns when you are introduced

  • Use gender-inclusive language

  • Enable colleagues to celebrate the occasions that are important to them

  • Ensure that everyone gets the opportunity to participate in team events

This blog provides a good reminder that an inclusive organizational does not just happen…it is created by all of us.

To read this blog, click here.


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