What’s New: Kids Included Together

“A world where inclusion is the norm, not the exception” is part of the vision of Kids Included Together (KIT), a non-profit American organization. Since it’s inception in 1997, KIT has been committed to “breaking down barriers to inclusion and building confidence in serving ALL children.

KIT has been recognized as one of the leaders in the field of inclusion. There are a number of free videos, resources and tools featured on it’s Inclusion 101 web page. In addition, there are links to other leaders in the inclusion movement including Nicole Eredics of The Inclusive Class and Tim Villegas of Think Inclusive. An Inclusion Checklist for Programs that focus on creating and maintaining a fully inclusive program is a tool that is featured on the KIT website that may be of interest to professionals working with children, teachers, and families.

KIT also provides a selection of courses that can be purchased individually or with an All-Access Annual Pass. Topics of the courses include  Inclusion Basics, Inclusion Toolkit, Fostering Friendships, Addressing Bullying, and a Leadership Series for Staff.

To check out KIT and their resources, click here.


What’s New: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Guide


What’s New: Leading Practices on Disability Inclusion